Once Upon A Time Costume Research
Once Upon a Time is an American fairy tale television series on ABC. The show takes place in the fictional seaside town of Storybrooke, Maine, whose residents are characters from various fairy tales transported to the "real world" town and robbed of their real memories by a powerful curse. It follows the heroine Emma Swan as she protects the town and its inhabitants from various curses and villains, sometimes involving travelling to other realms. Most episodes involve flashbacks telling its numerous characters' stories. Eduardo Castro is the costume designer for Once Upon A Time. They import a lot of different fabric to get the right effects; they try to stay true to the Disney film for certain characters such as Elsa and Anna. One of Eduardo Castro's favourite pieces is Robin Hood’s costume, because of the detail and time that went into the piece. The easiest piece for Castro to design was Snow White's wedding dress as it was the fi...