Cinderella Gown Designs

 After making mind maps of each of the princess' based on the book s description of them I wanted to design their clothes. I started with Cinderella as I found two descriptions about 2 pieces of items she wears.
"Grey bed gown and wooden shoes"
"The birds threw down a silver and gold dress"

I wanted to draw two differnet styles; one based on the Disney outfits and the other based on the era Cinderella was based in. I found out that Cinderella was based in the 1830s- 1870s so I looked up different gowns in that era and based my designs off that.
My favourite designs are definately the 1830s-1870s dresses, this is because it links in more to the horrible story as lots of the dresses they wore in that era were uncomfotable and hard to breath in.
Although all the gowns will be 1830s-1870s style I will be using the orignal Disney working clothes as it will help link the story to Disney more. If I could change anything I would trial a few more 1830-1870 styled gowns as I think i didnt trial differnet size/ shapes as well as I could have.


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