Digitally coloured and textured pieces

Ariel Normal Version
Snow White Normal version
Snow White gruesome version


 After drawing my sketches I scanned/photographed my image into my Surface Pro 4, then I used Photoshop to
add colour and textures. For "Snow White gruesome version" I wanted to make her clothes more minimal and dark, I also tried to make her cheek bones, eyelids and nose more defined and dark, to show decay.

For the villain Ursula I wanted to make her skinnier than her original character in the Disney film as I wanted her body to be a bit more scary and sharp. For her tentacles I made them skinny and curly near the end to look more creepy and sinister. As for the shell I wanted to give the effect of a bright light/fog coming out of it, i did this by adding lots of filters to the green paint, i used:
-brush strokes
-blur motion (90 degrees horizontally)
I also added a low opacity brush of green over one side of her face, tentacle and arm to make it look more realistic.


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