Tim Burton Research

Tim Burton
Alice in Wonderland
 Tim Burton is a well known director and producer. In a lot of his films he will do little sketches of how he thinks the characters should look. Lots of the film artists and animators take lots of inspiration from his work.
Nightmare before Christmas
 lots of the films he directs or produces are very dark and have minimal colour, this is because his films are more mysterious or horrid.
 For Example, "Sweeny Todd", is about a barber (Sweeny Todd) who kills people to get revenge and then Mrs Lovette a pie maker puts them into pies and sell them.

In the film their are a lot of outrageous costumes, amazing music that show how the characters feel. There is a lot of dark/faded colour and a lot of blood/guts, characters features are make to look deathly, by giving them harsh cheekbones and hollow eyelids. His work is really inspiring to me as i want to make my Illustrations quite gruesome and horrid to relate to the horrible stories, I want to make the facial features very defined and big like his original work.
Using Pinterest I found these Posters of a Disney films in the style of Tim Burton, I really like how dark they are and how they have enhanced the facial features of the characters, this has inspired me to try and and draw digitally as well as traditionally.


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