Feminism/ Gender Equality

Feminism and Gender equality is a very recent topic in today's society and as a women myself I feel very strongly (positive) about it. People think Feminism ( link of meaning) is about being against men, when actually its about wanting equal rights for women.  There are different types of feminists;
  • Feminists
  • Radical Feminists
  • Socialist Feminists 
Radical Feminist is a perspective within Feminism that calls for a radical reordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic contexts. Radical feminists seek to abolish patriarchy by challenging existing social norms and institutions, rather than through a purely political process.
Socialist Feminist- is a branch of feminism that focuses upon both the public and private spheres of a woman's life and argues that liberation can only be achieved by working to end both the economic and cultural sources of women's oppression.
Wikapedia is not always a reliable source
I Refuse by Mia Morgan
This image here is is showing how women don't need to shave their armpits to be beautiful, this is going against some men's beauty stereotype against women who don't shave. The artist describes the things her family/ friends would say women can and cant do, this image is in Revolution to their expectation of women/ her. I found it very empowering how strongly she believes women can be beautiful no matter what they do or how they act.
Her story is linked here.

 Judgements by Rosea Lake
These two photos show how some men/women perceive women based on their looks. To me this is wrong, no makeup of clothing gives anyone the right to objectify women. "Judgements" by Rosea Lake shows how objectifying and sexist people can be based on the length of a girls skirt. It also shows that no matter the length of the skirt a women can never look right, she either looks slutty or too covered up. Makeup is also seen in this way, if a women isn't wearing make up they seem to not care about their looks where as if they wear it they are being fake or two faced, this is just putting women in an uncomfortable position.
Gender equality by Joanna Bugenis

Handle With Care by
Röra Blue
Like Mia Morgan, Röra Blue is against people stereotyping women by telling them what they can and cant do, her work is very simple yet effective I like how the text is on the model to show how the stereotypes stick with women and effect their behaviour and choices.

I chose this topic as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone is born free and with equal dignity, this is exactly what Feminist's are looking to do, each and every person no matter their gender deserves equal rights and respect.


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