Mind Mapping Ideas

From the 5 topics I had researched I had the difficult task of choosing only one topics luckily my teacher let me change to only choosing two. This will be difficult as I will need to get two final pieces done on time but I am very determined and have a strong connection with the topics i have chosen; Feminism and Human trafficking.
After researching the topics I created a small mind map so I could write down things i think link with the word, I chose to highlight parts I thought were important to me and what i want to show in my final pieces.
I have come up with 2 commercial Ideas from the graphic designers/photographers artist research. I would like to create a magazine showing what Feminism is with photo manipulation images representing feminism. For Human trafficking I thought about doing a number of photography pieces of images to link to the topic, but have each photo have a title so the audience cant make out what the photo is meant to represent, this is to link with how human trafficking can go unnoticed by people especially the law.


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