Racism/ Sexuality Hate


In our modern day we are surrounded by lots of new genders/sexualities/religion. Lots of people are accepting,where as others are not. I think we should all be modernised and try and understand every ones sexuality/gender/religion as well as respect them even if you don't have the same opinions.

Racism has been around for years, only recently has it been going down and people have been becoming more accepting. In recent events Terrorist have been attacking different countries, this has had an effect on Muslims, as people are now more racist by assuming they are all "terrorists". This has got to stop.

To me this image of Crayola Crayons being labelled "flesh" is very effective and shows no matter what colour your skin you are all the same, you are all human. We shouldn't be judged by the colour of our skin, but by who we are as a person.

The drawing "Culture not Costume" shows how people See religious/nationality dressing to be some sort of "costume"/ fashion statement. When the real reason are purely religious or because of their culture. I have seen a lot of people petitioning to ban religious head wear.

"We're a Culture not a Costume" 2011 campaign

"we're a Culture not a Costume" 2012 campaign

The University of Ohio has created a group called "S*T*A*R" to teach racism in society to students. They also created poster campaigns to spread more awareness how racist people are even if they don't recognise it to be. 
I think these posters are very effective as it shows how people may be dressing as a "Chinese person"or "Mexican" for Halloween it can still offend peoples culture and be seen as mocking as well as racism.

This poster (Right) shows racist stereotypes people have of  black people. This poster shows racism in a simple form but also shows how shocking the stereotypes are.

The hand print art work is to me affective as it shows how white and black people are equal no matter what, by the hand shape and size are the same. 
I like how this piece has no words as i think the image speaks volumes on its own and would be over powered by it.

Sexuality & Genders
In today's Society we have learnt new Sexualities and Genders, this helps people identify themselves, unfortunately not everyone is so open to change.
 There are Officially 58 different types of Genders a person could be, the most common are;
  • Agender- has no gender identity
  • man- naturally born male
  • woman- naturally born female
  • Trans woman- A transgender person who transitions in a feminine direction, but who doesn't necessarily identify as female.
  • Trans man-  A transgender person who transitions in a male direction, but who doesn't necessarily identify as male.
  • Gender fluid- they often change gender, so one day they might feel like a boy and another a girl
As well as there being a long list of genders they also come with a large variety of Sexualities some of the most well know ones are;
  •  Bisexual: A person who is attracted to both people of their own gender and another gender. Also called “bi”.
  •  Asexual: A person who generally does not feel sexual attraction or desire to any group of people. Asexuality is not the same as celibacy.
  •  Gay: A person who is attracted primarily to members of the same sex. Although it can be used for any sex (e.g. gay man, gay woman, gay person), “lesbian” is sometimes the preferred term for women who are attracted to women.
  •  Heterosexual: A person who is only attracted to members of the opposite sex. Also called “straight."
  •  Lesbian: A woman who is primarily attracted to other women.
  •  Pansexual: A person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction for members of all gender identities/expressions, not just people who fit into the standard gender binary (i.e. men and women). 
With all of these different genders and sexualities people get very confused and hate on people who aren't the same as them. Especially the more unknown sexualities.

This protest image(right) was taken in America when gay/homosexual marriage wasn't allowed. This is important to be shown as it shows that the same sex couples deserve to show their love just as much as straight people, as well as showing how they can be just as good, if not better, parents that straight couples.
The 3 models in the image have a sign in front of them saying their sexuality and how no matter their sexuality they are still human. This is to show people that they aren't some weird alien or someone to be afraid of, they just love different people to everyone else.
The Label poster (left) shows how we label people based on their sexuality/looks/nationality and that labels should stay on clothes. With labels come stereotype, but also labels help define things we cant explain.

The poster on the right is very eye catching and bold which really draws in attention. the use of colour helps show the different genders. blue is stereotypically male and pink is stereotypically female. This shows its easy to tell thats inside the male exterior inside is a female person try to get out. This shows transgender people perfectly, showing how they don't feel like they fit the gender they were born in.

I chose Racism/Sexuality hate to represent equal rights and freedom no matter race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status as racism and sexualities are being hated on all over social media. This isnt giving people the right to freedom they should be.


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