Human Trafficking
Although Human Trafficking isn't a very serious topic nowadays in most countries there are still lots of occurrences. Human trafficking is very secretive as it can happen under the authorise notice. This to me is a strong topic to look at as not everyone knows it still goes on today.

The model in the image (left), is being tied up by an airport travel label, this to me sums up human trafficking perfectly as they are seen just as "luggage". Even though the photograph is very simplistic it gives out a strong message about how traffickers see their "sale".
The sketch of someone lying in bed with a label attached round their toe saying "sold" , shows how people are seen as shopping items and will be sold to the highest bidder, this is wrong and against their human rights.
I chose Human Trafficking to represent "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude", as the people in human trafficking are slaves to the highest bidder. They have no freedom and people need to know.
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