Instructional poster

As a side project we designed an instructional poster showing how some Disobedient objects have been made. The designs are very simplistic and remind me of icon imagery as they are very linear and one colour, I wanted to recreate the bold background and layout as it would link more to the initial designs of the exhibition.

I chose to re-design the "Flone" instructional poster, originally I couldn't find the poster so found instructions on how they were made and used that to help with my design. Using Illustrator I used the pen tool to trace over a stencil for a drone (Flone) this was difficult as there was a lot of different angle I had to consider as well as small boxes and circles. The most difficult part to draw was the circuit as i didn't want it to look too complicated, so it doesn't look as detailed as the rest of my drawings. For the background I made it a golden yellow colour to make the black pop of the page and to get the audiences attention, as well as it relating to the original posters.

To link it more to the original poster I added the Exhibition logo in the corner and the text "Disobedient Objects" to link more.As for the box layout I kept it very simple and similar to the posters. If i could change anything I would try to add another box and image as the images look too big and out of place.


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