Noell Oszvald Photography Research

Noella Osvald is a Photographer who manipulates and tells a story in her images, all of her images are in black and white giving it a serious tone. She became viral after posting her images on her Flickr page.
Oszvald says that she chooses only to work in black and white because she finds colour distracting from her conceptual ideas, she also wishes for viewers of her work to find their own meaning and interpretation of each image, this is why she only includes a title instead of any description.
Her work is very inspiring as she has only been using a digital camera for a few years, this shows talents and determination to improve in her work, I think that Black and white images show a more serious/mysterious feel to the images. This gets the audience to think what the artwork might mean/represent.
I am inspire to use this for the topic ,"Human Trafficking", as it is a very serious topic but also add no description only a simple title. I think this will work well as the audience will have to determine what is happening in the images and if it relates in some way to the title.

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